60mm Classical Greece @ Macedonia (22) 60mm Ancient Persians (17) 60mm Early Imperial Romans (11) 60mm Barbarians (10) 60mm Middle Ages (10) 54mm American Civil War (8) 54mm Napoleonic (23) 54mm Indians and Frontier (4)
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Scythed Chariot
9 unassembled unpainted 60mm toy soldiers
9 unassembled unpainted 60mm toy soldiers and 2 bolt-shooters
5 unassembled unpainted 60mm toy soldiers and 5 horses
1 mounted and 9 foot unpainted 60mm toy soldiers
1 chariot, 3 unpainted soldiers and 2 horses.
6 foot and 2 mounted 60mm toy soldiers
The set includes 9 unpainted soldiers and 2 cannon.
9 mounted unpainted soldiers.
9 unassembled unpainted 54mm toy soldiers