High-quality models of toy soldiers. Military miniatures for game and collection.
FLEET (13) Mini-sets HOT WAR (18) Mini-sets WWII (134) Prefabricated models 1/56 (8) PREFABRICATED FIGURES 1/35 (50mm) (34) PREFABRICATED MODELS 1/72 (72) PREFABRICATED MODELS 1/87 (4) TOY SOLDIERS 1/32 (513) TOY SOLDIERS 1/56 (28mm & 32mm) (30) TOY SOLDIERS 1/72 (25mm) (854) TOY SOLDIERS 40mm (13) BEASTFORMERS 50mm (41) CHIBI FIGURES (13) STAR WARS (121) Battles of the Fantasy 54mm (192) TOYS FIGURES FOR KIDS (8) FLAT TOY SOLDIERS (66) TOY SOLDIERS 1/20 (90mm) (3) Marx Recast 1/12 (150mm) (11) TIN MINIATURES 28 mm (135) TIN MINIATURES 54 mm (469) Forts, Castles and Architectural Monuments (11) Game accessories (27) Mini-sets Shogun: Battles of the samurai (11)
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6 figures with a height of 54 mm
8 figures with a height of 54 mm in 7 poses.
16 figures 54 mm high.
10 figures with a height of 54 mm in 10 poses.
7 figures 54 mm high.
22 figures with a height of 54 mm in 22 poses.
12 figures 54 mm high.
11 figures 60 mm high.
6 figures with a height of 54 mm in 6 poses.
7 figures 65 mm high.
10 figures 54 mm high.
14 figures 54 mm high.
15 figures 54 mm high.
8 figures 54 mm high.
12 figures with a height of 54 mm in 12 poses.
36 figures with a height of 54 mm in 6 poses.
9 figures with a height of 54 mm in 6 poses.
31 figures with a height of 54 mm in 17 poses.
36 figures with a height of 54 mm in 22 poses.
8 unpainted plastic figures in 8 poses
6 unpainted plastic figures in 4 poses and 2 chariots with horses.
12 unpainted plastic figures in 10 poses
16 unpainted plastic figures in 8 poses
36 фигурок в 9 позах и 4 мула.
48 фигурок в 12 позах и 4 лошади.
40 фигурок в 10 позах и 4 лошади.
Buildable play environment with 10 soldiers, firing guns and buildable, customizable fortifications.
Сборка без клея!
НОВИНКА! Сборка без клея!
НОВИНКА! Знаменитый "Зверобой"! Сборка без клея!
Советская самоходка СУ-100
Советская самоходка ИСУ-122
Длина собранной модели 12,5 см. 79 деталей.
Длина собранной модели 15,8 см. 53 детали.
Длина собранной модели 10,2 см. 65 деталей.
Длина собранной модели 8,4 см. 38 деталей.
Длина собранной модели 11,3 см. 67 деталей.
6 фигурок пехотинцев в 4 позах.
модель пушки и 6 фигурок артиллеристов в 6 позах.
3 фигурки всадников в 3 позах и 3 фигурки лошадей в 3 позах.